Research Organisations
Here are the research organisations that we trust, who gather data on the latest trends and topics in relation to integrating Humans + AI
References to help build AI Fluency and leading AI Change in your organisation

World Economic Forum -Artificial Intelligence
This briefing is based on the views of a wide range of experts from the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network and is curated in partnership with Matissa Hollister, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Desautels School of Management at McGill University.
Created by Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, licensed for personal/academic use only, not for reproduction.

Productivity Commission
The Productivity Commission, is the Australian Government’s independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians. It’s role expressed most simply is to help governments make better policies, in the long term interest of the Australian community. Â
3 Important research papers regarding AI.
Making the most of Australia's AI Opportunity: productivity, regulation and data access

Atlassian's Responsible Technology Principles and Tools
At Atlassian, our mission is to unleash the potential of every team. The software products that we build are meant to do just that: Fast-track collaboration and empower teams of all sizes, industries, and expertise.
n that same collaborative spirit, we’re open-sourcing the framework we use internally to ensure we’re being thoughtful about our development and use of new technology. Read more about our approach to responsible technology reviews and share it with your teams.
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